
Publications by Others

  1. BRUDOWSKY, John M., 2006: Mathematical Addendum to 'Particle Size and Settling Rate Distributions of Sand-Sized Particles' by Jiri Brezina (1979, PARTEC; see above), personal communication, 8 pages.
  2. CHANDRASEKHAR, Subramanyan, 1961, Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetic Stability: Claredon Press, Oxford University Press (reprinted by Dover Publications, Inc., 1981);
  3. CLARK, Isobel, 1977, ROKE, a Computer Program for Non-Linear Least Squares Decomposition of Mixtures of Distributions; Computer & Geosciences (Pergamon Press), vol. 3, p. 245 - 256.
  4. COLBY, B. C. and R. P. CHRISTENSEN, 1957, Some Fundamentals of Particle Size Analysis; St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Report Nr. 12/Dec., 55 pages.
  5. COREY, Arthur Thomas, 1949, Influence of Shape on the Fall Velocity of Sand Grains; M. S. Thesis, Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, December, 102 pages.
  6. CURRAY, Joseph R., 1961, Tracing sediment masses by grain size modes; Proc. Internat. Association of Sedimentology, Report of the 21st Session Norden, Internat. Geol. Congress, p. 119 - 129.
  7. DALY, Bart J., 1969, Numerical study of the effect of surface tension on surface instability; The Physics of Fluids (USA), vol. 12, No. 7/July, p. 1340 - 1354.
  8. DALY, Bart J., & Williams E. PRACHT, 1968, Numerical study of density-current surges; The Physics of Fluids (USA), vol. 11, No. 1/January, p. 15 - 30.
  9. DUFF, R. E., Francis H. HARLOW, & C. W. HIRT, 1962, Effects of diffusion on interface instability between gases; The Physics of Fluids (USA), vol. 5, No. 4/April, p. 417 - 425.
  10. EHRLICH, Robert, 1983, Size analysis wears no clothes, or have moments come and gone? (Editorial); Jour. Sediment. Petrol., vol. 53, No. 1/March, p. 1.
  11. EMERY, Kenneth Ornis, 1938, Rapid method of mechanical analysis of sands: Jour. Sediment. Petrol., vol. 8, No. 3/Sept., p. 105 - 111.
  12. FLEMMING, Burghard Walter & Alexander BARTHOLOMÄ, 1991, Response of the Wadden Sea to a rising sea level: a predictive empirical model; Deutsche Hydrogr. Ztschrft. (German Journal of Hydrography), vol. 49, No. 2/3, p. 343 - 353.
  13. FLEMMING, Burghard Walter & Karen ZIEGLER, 1995, High-resolution grain size distribution patterns and textural trends in the back-barrier environment of Spiekeroog Island (Southern North Sea); Senckenbergiana Maritima, vol. 26, No. 1+2, p. 1 - 24.
  14. FOLK, Robert Louis, 1962, Of skewnesses and sands; Jour. Sediment. Petrol., vol. 8, No. 3/Sept., p. 105 - 111
  15. FOLK, Robert Louis, 1966: A review of grain-size parameters; Sedimentology, vol. 6, p. 73 - 93
  16. FOLK, Robert Louis & William C. WARD, 1957: Brazos River bar: a study in the significance of grain size parameters; Jour. Sediment. Petrol., vol. 27, No. 1/March, p. 3 - 26
  17. GIBBS, Ronald J., Martin D. MATTHEWS, & David A. LINK, 1971: The relationship between sphere size and settling velocity; Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 41, No. 1/March, p. 7 - 18.
  18. HERDAN, George, M. L. SMITH & W. H. HARDWICK, 1960: Small Particle Statistics. 2nd revised edition, Butterworths (London, Toronto, etc.), 418 pp.
  19. INMAN, Douglas Lamar, 1952: Measures for describing the size distribution of sediments. Jour. Sediment. Petrology, vol. 22, No. 3/Sept., p. 125 - 145
  20. JONASZ, Miroslaw, 1991: Size, shape, composition, and structure of microparticles from light scattering; in SYVITSKI, James P. M., 1991, Principles, Methods, and Application of Particle Size Analysis; Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 368 pp., p. 147.
  21. KRUMBEIN, William Christian & Francis J. PETTIJOHN, 1938: Manual of Sedimentary Petrography; Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., New York; 549 pp.
  22. KRUMBEIN, William Christian & Franklin A. GRAYBILL, 1965: An Introduction to Statistical Models in Geology; McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 485 pp. 
  23. McNOWN, John S. & Pin-Nam LIN, 1952, Sediment concentration and fall velocity; Proc. of the 2nd Midwestern Conf. on Fluid Mechanics, The Ohio State University, Columbus; State Univ. of Iowa Reprints in Engineering, Reprint No. 109/1952, p. 401 - 411.
  24. McNOWN, John S. & J. MALAIKA, 1950, Effects of Particle Shape of Settling Velocity at Low Reynolds' Numbers; American Geophysical Union Transactions, vol. 31, No. 1/February, p. 74 - 82.
  25. OEHMIG, Reinhard, 1993, Entrainment of planctonic foraminifera: effects of bulk density; Sedimentology, vol. 40, p. 869-877. 
  26. PEARSON, Karl, 1894, Contribution to the Mathematical Theory of Evolution; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, vol. 185, pp. 71-110; contains chapters:
    I. On the Dissection of Asymmetrical Frequency Curves; II. On the Dissection of Symmetrical Frequency Curves; III. Investigation of an Asymmetrical  Frequency-Curve.  
  27. REYNOLDS, Osborne,1883: An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine whether the motion of water shall be direct or sinuous, and of the law of resistance in parallel channels. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 174, Papers, vol. 2, p. 935 - 982
  28. ROSIN, P. & E. RAMMLER, 1934: Die Kornzusammensetzung des Mahlgutes im Lichte der Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre. Kolloid. Ztschr. 67, Heft 1/April, p. 16 - 26 
  29. RUMPF, Hans, 1975: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik (in German); Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Wien, 138 pages, Dispersity Unit p. 8. 
  30. SARKISIAN, A. A., 1958: Settling of loads in turbulent flow (in Russian); Collected Papers "Open Channel Processes"; USSR Academy of sciences, Moscow, p. 338 - 351.
  31. SCHMETZER, Karl & Jiri BREZINA, 1975, Emeralds from Ghana (a short note in German); Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft (Idar Oberstein, Germany), vol. 24, No. 2/June, p. 94
  32. SCHULZ, E. F., R. H. WILDE & M. L. ALBERTSON, 1954, Influence of Shape on the Fall Velocity of Sedimentary Particles; Colorado Agricultural & Mechanical College, Fort Collins, Colorado, MRD Sediment Series, No. 5/July (CER 54EFS6), 161 pages.
  33. SKIDMORE, H. J., 1948, Development of a stratified-suspension technique for size-frequency analysis; Thesis, Department of Mechanics and Hydraulics, State Univ. of Iowa, p. 2 (? pages).
  34. SYVITSKI, James P. M., 1991, Principles, Methods, and Application of Particle Size Analysis; Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 368 pp.
  35. van ANDEL, Tjeerd "Jerry" H., 1973, Texture and Dispersal of Sediments in the Panama Basin; Jour. Geology, vol. 81/1973, No. 4/July, p. 434 - 457.
  36. WENTWORTH, Chester K. , 1922, A scale of grade and class terms for clastic sediments; Jour. Geology, vol. 30, No. 5/July - August), p. 377 - 392